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Coming Soon: Space Race Scoreboard

Who's keeping score? I am! Well, lots of other people have, I've just combined the data into a dashboard that brings out some good old fashioned rivalry by splitting by country/region. This summary report is packed (overly) full of information... and last updated roughly mid 2021, but it's so pretty and useful! As this one gets migrated to the new site, it's likely to be broken into several smaller reports to help with accessibility, especially on smaller screens.

Coming Soon: The Space Cash Race

It turns out this whole space thing actually costs money, and it's not the same amount each year! So, here's a look at how much money we are giving NASA and how it's changing over time, with the added color context of which party controls the executive branch that year. This image may be hard to read, it shouldn't take long before I can get the actual data here and more available to you.

