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Coming Soon: Space Race Scoreboard

Who's keeping score? I am! Well, lots of other people have, I've just combined the data into a dashboard that brings out some good old fashioned rivalry by splitting by country/region. This summary report is packed (overly) full of information... and last updated roughly mid 2021, but it's so pretty and useful! As this one gets migrated to the new site, it's likely to be broken into several smaller reports to help with accessibility, especially on smaller screens.

Coming Soon: Space Shuttles Scorecard

Struggling with shuttle stats? Stop slacking and start staring at the overview below where I stored some basic details to keep track of the different shuttles. Some are easier to remember than others, for obvious and tragic reasons, but Enterprise is one I often forget and the flight counts for each is data that wasn't exactly top of mind, and so a report was born. It's small but mighty. Enjoy!

